Clash of Clans (CoC) Private Server [CoC7652-DPSE]

Saint Adjie 06.37
:: Real-time update of server status :: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Requires CoC7652-DPSE client apk (see below).

What you need to know ---
- This is private server
- This is absolutely NOT an official server
- Not affiliated with the game developer
- Just for fun and enjoyment
- You can kick some ass in this server, win and still get away with it
- You can kick some ass in this server, lose and still get away with it
- You are in the world of unlimited supplies of gems
Bugs / known issues --- It will stay like this for the time being

- This server is still in alpha stage, so, when you leave your village and come back (in any way at all)

> levels, trophy, gems, achievements, shop will reset back to default (never ask why and don't even think about it)

- When you buy / upgrade something using elixir, it is usually temporary. Use gold to buy / upgrade everything whenever possible.
- This server has been set to restart every 2 hours. So, please regularly exit the game.
- Clan is not implemented yet.
- Commands are not implemented as well.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mods == Heros == by shridharsp

Witch Queen, Damager Queen, Goblin King, Dragon King, Wizards King, Balloon King, Hog King, P.E.K.K.A King, Wall Breaker King, Laser King, Valkyrie Queen, Minion King, Lava King, Golem King, Xbow Queen

Mods == Others == by shridharsp

> Mods == Buildings == by deysmacro
Rocket Launcher (Dark Troops)
> Enhanced capacity - TH, Army Camp, Spell Factory, Gold Storage, Elixir Storage, Dark Elixir Storage, Barracks, Dark Barracks

Mods == Others == by deysmacro

> Ability to defense village = X-Bow, Inferno Tower
> All PVE (Single Player) Maps are unlocked
> All Decos are accessible to all
> Very fast Levels up
>Added TH11
> Builder not needed for zero build time items
> Increased Builder's Hut
>Added Wall Level 11 (Special)
> Enhanced ability for Air Sweeper
> Champion Ranks
> Added Gem Packs
> Properly named National Flag
> Obstacles, Goblin Hut, Goblin Main Building, Radio Tower can be bought
>Added (Boosted) Santa's Surprise Spell
>Very powerful Level 5 Heros
> Client apk can now be installed side-by-side with official apk

Download CoC7652-DPSE Client APK (IOS IS NOT SUPPORTED!)

by @deysmacro & @Aston
click to begin
Download Here
> This client apk allows you to install side-by-side with official apk.
> No need to uninstall official apk anymore. Just install this client apk straight away.
> Play official CoC or modded CoC at your convenience.
> In case it says application not installed, you may need to uninstall official apk in order to install this client apk.
Clear data if your village doesn't autosave (android) or if you cannot load the game at all.
Unfortunately, IOS cannot save at all. Only a better server can save both android and IOS village.
Please contribute so that I can get a better server and thus enable real-time autosave, instead of delayed autosave. Please don't ask how to save village anymore.
It is pointless when nobody contribute at all for a better server.
Due to nobody is contributing towards a better private server, I have been forced to use a less powerful private server which in results I have to reduced all those high power consumption mods. Therefore, until I get enough contributions, you all will be served using this less powerful private server. However, if I get enough contributions, I will create a powerful modded CoC private server and I will maintain this less powerful plain CoC private server as well. I hope I can get contributions soon enough.
I need a better server so that IOS can be supported too.
DNS support will no longer offered until I get enough contributions for IOS support.

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